Wednesday, June 22, 2011

6/19-20, 2011 Sunday / Monday Now it's our turn!

Church at (:30 and everyone is so excited for us! It is contagious! We head home afterwards and make a nice father's day breakfast for Jer and think about how much time I have before we go...suddenly it is 3:00pm and Rhonda is here and I am still shoving things into my suitcase!  We get to the airport in great time, and enjoy riding the tram, playing UNO and eating the sandwiches I packed while we wait for our plane.  Off we go, right on time, and the kids are thrilled with the seatback individual TV's. Charlotte watches Voyage of the Dawn Treader, while I check out the adjustment bureau(eh, ** at most) and Danny plays nintendo. Flight lands in Amerstdam at 10am, and we crusie the airport, buy dutch coffee( jer visits the heineken shop!) and see other Special Olympics teams on their way to Greece! I really had fun talking to everyone. We met a nice couple from the Netherlands whose son plays on the handball team.  They showed us his photo and biography in the Team Netherlands book and it says he like to watch sports and eat potato chips and beer! I asked if he was single!! :)
first meal in the apartment

Amsterdam airport--where are we? what time is it?
The flight and taxi trip to the apartment are so smooth, and by 4pm Athens time we are in our cute apartment! We make a quick trip to the supermarket just on the next block and get hummus, pita, fruit,etc. and have a cold greek feast. So happy to be sleeping horizontally!

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