Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Saturday 6/4/11 Closing day of games

Again Molly runs at 8, they try to keep the distance runs in the morning so it's not too hot. Molly wins gold again, though her time is not great. PJ is hoping to keep building towards Greece, but this a bit slower than last weeks run. Oh well. We get the call that Danny placed first in his age group in the shamrock shuffle, with a 24:12! Go Danny!  Charlotte bolts through her 800 with a record 3:21! Unreal! It was about 95 when she ran at 2:00. My swimmers finish up at 3:30 and Charlotte and I are on the road by 4:30 and in Brighton by 6pm. First stop-home? Nope! it's Gordon Foods, for hotdogs,brownies,salad,etc. Then home to hang photos, roll silverware into napkins, cook, set out, vacuum. etc. Tomorrow is the graduation!
Coach Michelle and Charlotte (James who followed Charlotte all weekend is in the background!)_

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