Wednesday, June 8, 2011

6/3 Friday- Competition Heats Up!

And they're off!  Events start fast and furious, with Molly running the 3000 at 8am. I haul all my swimmers out of bed,down to breakfast, and over to the track to cheer her on! I don't ask them if they want to go! Molly rocks the race! She runs a PR, 7:24! Holly is not at games, her Grandma died, and Molly is a bit disappointed not to run against her. But she still just kills it! We are all going wild! Charlotte and all the rest of the track athletes struggle through the extremely high temps to have a successful day. I move into the pool and get busy with my athletes. Danielle swims for 3 golds, Tina gets 2 silvers and a gold, Katie has a great swim for her IM-and earns a silver. Of course Howard is his steady self! In the afternoon I take my team through some of the events, the favourite is the dunk tank! I am the super cool coach cause I let Courtney and Tina get dunked in the tank!
We have a great time at the dance, though there was too much water fighting (watch the camera!!) and not enough dancing for my liking. Late night 7-11 run finishes up the evening just the way the team want it!

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