Monday, June 6, 2011

June 1,2011 Awards assembly

Danny has his awards assembly this am, so I am unable to go to Lansing for the 3rd try at the Senate committee testimony. Of course they had the meeting, and the PR gal, Kim, was there alone...but it passed out of committee and on to the Senate floor, where it has a great chance of passing.  The tricky part is the house...and it is doubtful it will happen this year, as all would need to be done by 6/9/11. But it can go on for next year..
Danny received the top reader in the class award, Presidents physical fitness award, all A's all 4 quarters and all around swell kid award(okay not the last one, but he should ave!) I am very proud of him! Did more cleaning, and finishing up of picture boards, shopping lists, lists of things to be done, etc.
I am excited! I hope the weather will be great!

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