Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Sweet God-Daughter!

Claire Alicia hit the prom circuit this weekend and WOW did she so it up right! Prom complete with hair,make-up,nails,limo,friends and photographer. All but the limo were provided be friends/family..the girl has learned to bargain hunt from her KK and her Mom!  She went to the shore with friends on Friday, NYC for a Broadway show Saturday and shopping today. Life is Good , right?!
I am so proud of this girl, straight A's in 7/8 classes, loads of scholarships, exciting plans for 2 majors, a beautiful voice and a spirit to match!  She is heading to University of Delaware in the fall and I know she will knock 'em dead!  Shine on Claire!
BFF's off to the prom

Rockin the hair flower!

A gorgeous and confident young lady!

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