Monday, June 27, 2011

Athens Adventures-or lack thereof!

Greek blog  MondayJune 26

Now this morning is a must sleep in and the kids don’t get up until 11:30!! Obviously we need to train them for the night life more, or at least teach them to siesta!  I head down to Acropolis around 9is, find a very nice café with a wicker couch and “free” wifi(coffee SO expensive it’s like paying for the wifi!) Great people watching to, it is fun to listen to everyone yammering away on their cell phones in Greek!  I get a chance to blog and email, but my battery doesn’t stay on for long.   Back at home, Charlotte is badly in need of a run, so Jer takes her to the small park across the street and has her do a couple of miles. Hopefully a good thing, don’t see it yet.
We are making our plans for the week, a  2 day transit strike is expected tomorrow, so this will prove to be a challenge.  We're not sure how we will get to the stadium, but worst case scenario we will walk(5 miles)
Napping, reading,word searches and DS comprise the afternoon activities-you can't be busy every second I guess(though you know me-I want too!)
We make sandwichs for dinner, then head out for an evening walk to the Plaka.  We visit our favourite shop and Danny makes his purchase of chess pieces. He is super excited and I think it'll be a great memory of Athens.  The shop owner gives Jerry a cold Amstel while he packs up the pieces, which is awesome.  We stroll a bit more, then visit church, post office and finally a beautiful cafe (with wifi of course!) and Jer has a greek beer(comes with peanuts-whooot!) and the kids have the most delicious smelling icecream I've ever smelled! Caramel for Charlotte and Strawberry for Danny.

Charlotte and Apollon! 

Team Ireland! Malacahy and daughter Ciara

It's Molly! Yay!

can it be they missed each other??!

the family gets a 5 minute visit with the athlete

Dammy and games mascot Apollon
Now I am alone, Jerry has headed the kids back, we will be up super early to figure out how to get to Molly--but we will!

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