Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday 6/10/11 Molly's last day of school!

Here it is! The last day of adult transition for the year for Molly! She happily headed off to have a final ice cream social. Danny and I met Rhonda and Ryan at Kim's house..she has a job interview and I volunteered to watch Scott and swim in their in-ground pool! Aren't I nice?! It was raining most of the day but the boys got in a great swim. Rhonda and I talked our heads off! And best of all, Kim got the call on her way home that they were offering her a job!  Then I get home and Donnie is on the phone and he got a job too! I am so happy for him!
Last part of my awesome day was seeing the movie Super 8 with Sam Stewart. It was scary but great!

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