Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday 6/22/11 Exploring Athens!

dressed to tour!

Outside the stadium where opening ceremonies will be

Climbed an steep hill: reward = this view!

The family with parthenon in the backround!

okay wow, what a day, and Jer is waitng in a taverna up the street for me to finish with this free wi-fi so I can't possibly tell all, but I PROMISE I will fill in soon.
We explored Athens city all day, from the temple of zeus to the roman agora to the gyro stand, it was all perfect!  As we're walking Charlotte says "so far in Athens..." I wait to hear what she will say, this being the trip of a lifetime and she continues..." I've see 4 cats and 2 dogs!"
Oh gosh how we laughted! Danny is loving all the history and cool street shops and alley ways.
Our feet were sore but we had such a great day!

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