Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wired! and I'm not talking coffee!

Tuesday 3-27

I am wired! And I’m not talking about coffee!

Yes ladies and gents, the joyous moment has arrived, we have wireless!

Our landlord John and his wife Caroline came over at 8:40pm to start the process and left at 11! You know how it goes, its just the same in any country, you need 5 different cables and what they say will happen when you plug something in doesn’t, and you can’t reach the help person, etc. The long and short is that we’re up and running. And Caroline translated the special addition of Stratego that we got the thrift shop last week so now we can play it! She is very nice and she enjoyed meeting Danny and helping us with the game. Other tiny detail was she reset the stove clock for me 1 hour ahead! I had tried but couldn’t figure it out, and it was bugging me! This is a red email day! (get it?!)

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