Saturday, March 31, 2012

Friday 30 March

Another day another dinner party! Our guest this time is Jerry's boss's boss, so if I had any silver I certainly would have polished it! His name is Gary Wizniewski, and he is the one who spear-headed Antea Groups matching donation to Special Olympics in Molly's honour last year. He was so excited to see Molly's medals that he asked for a photo with her. Isn't that sweet?
  I did clean and menu plan extensively...coming up with an impressive meal with limited pots,pans and spices on a Friday in lent is definitely a challenge!
I went with classic minestrone, prepared with leeks, string beans, cannellini beans, zucchini,etc. The recipe recommended that I prepare it the day before and add beans and macaroni later, so that's what I did. Given the fact that we also had ANOTHER immigration meeting on Friday at 1:30 pm it was just as well! I served salad and bread with the meal. To start I also made a white bean brushetta served with goat cheese and pesto, brie and pears (brie is so cheap here!) and Molly chose a cherry tart from the bakery.  We had a lovely evening! Gary and his wife had been in Africa last week on business and on a safari and he shared photos for over an hour on our computer to flat screen link up. It has definitely re wet my appetite to go to Africa. Danny has to be 12, so that gives me a bit of time to save some money!! So come over for dinner, we'd love to have you!
ps. We got a really nice stamp on our passports at the meeting today which means we won't be tossed from the we wait for our sophie number and then the bank account and then...the elusive CHIP card! stay tuned!

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