Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Not our typical Saturday

Holland blog Saturday 3/3/12


best meatballs in town!

testing carpets? Swedish models? Who knows!!

How the Dutch bring their purchases home!
Rise and shine! No early birds were catching any worms in Pijnacker today! I got up at 8:30, Jerry at 9, Charlotte at 10 and Danny and Molly at 11! Hopefully they are caught up on sleep now. Jerry made a big egg and sausage scramble and I served the bread/roll things we had picked up at the bakery. They were the size of a large saucer and tasted faintly of orange and were delicious! Now prepared on how to run the car we set out for IKEA, pronounced here I-kay-ah, to see if it is as cool here as it is in the US. IT IS! From the 350 sq.metrer room to the cafĂ© it was awesome. We even ate lunch there, Swedish meatballs plate of course, and then continued shopping. Our home is very lightly furnished as it had previously been on the market to sell. We definitely needed a few things. We bought hangers and large drinking glasses, a couple of couch blankets, some cereal bowls and other assorted goodies. We also bought Charlotte a table and chair for her room($20 dollars!) which will allow me to have a Dutch garage sale before we go home! After we left IKEA we got lost trying to find Aldi and Jerry’s phone with nav. died so we had to wend our way back here and eat what we could find. It ended up to be apples, grilled ham and cheese and chips which the kids were very happy with. Tonight we played Gapa and watched I love Lucy and pushed the kids off around 9ish following milk and cookies.

Tomorrow the goal is church and running!

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