Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Saturday March 10 Celebrating Molly's Birthday

March 10

Molly wanted to go to the zoo for her birthday. We head off to the beautiful Rotterdam Zoo, Diergaarde Blijdorp, which is only 10 minutes by car from the house!
A family pass is purchased and in we go, for the first of hopefull many wonderful days at the zoo.
We arrive just as the Sea Lions are being fed, which is so funnyand exciting. They are so loud as they holler at the keeper for more fish. We walk and walk, through all the continents, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Antarica, even an Oceanarium with those underwater tunnels. We got to see manta rays being fed! Their mouths are on their stomachs! It is such a cool zoo, we still didn’t see it all though we were there all day! We ate sandwichs at the big playground area. The afternoon was only marred by Charlotte’s unfortunate accident on the playground. Danny finally got her to go up into the 3 story structure and run around, and she ran smack into a pole, and her glasses cut deeply into her nose. She was bleeding and crying and her nose looked terrible. We had to find the first aid group and a nice young medic cleaned her up and we continued on…but the poor thing, she was really hurting.
We finished up our day with a trip to the Sugar bowl, the neighborhood pancake joint . It is in an old farmhouse with great antique décor, exposed brick, play area for the kinder like all the Dutch restaurnats have, and delicious pancakes! They are more like thick crepes and you can have whatever you want in them. Danny had icecream and fruit and whipped cream, I had apples and bananas, and Jerry and the girls had bacon, salami,cheese and all that jazz.
Oh YUM! And Molly was so happy to get to eat out for her birthday! All curled up for a showing of National Treasure and a Saturday night rolls to a close in Pijnacker!

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