Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Molly's 21st Birthday!

Molly’s Birthday!

Can you believe that my baby is 21 years old? How is it possible? We had a wonderful day-though the celebration was probably not as exciting as Miss Molly would like. I have NO idea how to use the oven, the manual is in Dutch, I have no internet to use a translation service, and so I am without an oven. Imagine me having to purchase a birthday cake! Horrors! I have promised a homemade one as soon as I can. We are planning a birthday dinner out this weekend, which she is very excited about. The kids all slept till 11am this morning and tomorrow I plan to wake them up! That’s just crazy! After breakfast we all grabbed empty backpacks and bags and trooped off to the grocery store. Jerry had headed into work at 7:30 so we are on foot. It is a gray day with a pretty brisk wind but the store is not far off. First challenge is finding a 50 eurocent to get out a shopping cart. Second is figuring out what some of the food items are. Third is sticker shock at the prices. Fourth is holding myself back because we have to walk home carrying it all! We do get all kinds of goodies and necessitates and it is quite fun. At the register I find out that the chip card that we thought we needed is the one for “clothing shops but not food stores”! Oh boy! Luckily I have cash, which they do still except, and we are able to keep our choices. You’ll be proud to know that I have my frequent shopper card already and along with my discounts on today’s purchases I am half-way to the free football in the colours of the Hague team that Charlotte had her eye on in the store! Go Me! We haul home our loot and celebrate with our new mocha coffee pods, whipped cream and some fancy little cakes we bought. It is our own little Dunkin Donuts! Later on, after some creative writing and a long piano practice we take a walk into town. Our first stop is the flower shop where we get Mol a bouquet of tulips for her 21st. Then the bakery for petite fours and a cream cake. We do a bit more window shopping and then head home. Jerry has been home for about an hour! Who knew? It is weird being without phone or email that’s for sure. I fix a supper of pea soup with sausage, brown bread and big salads. I figured out the fridge and the stove top anyway! After dinner Molly opens her gifts from Susan and her kids--a Prince Fielder t-shirt which she is totally freaked over, and a cute snoopy t. Our gift is a Tigers backpack(so she can carry more things for me!) and a movie and some clothes. We got her a pair of those colored jeans that are in this season and she seems to like them a lot. We then had our cake and watched the movie Alpha and Omega together. It was a fun day all in all, but of course as she was heading to bed she said “Can we celebrate my birthday some more this weekend?” Don’t you love it!!

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