Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Memorial mass in Den Haag

Sunday March 18th

We went to our English speaking church this morning in Den Haag. We got there super early and offered to help with set up. The priest asked Danny and Jerry if they would light the 28 candles lining the altar railing. The candles each represent one of the victims of the bus crash in Switzerland last week. The bus had children and teachers who were returning to a small town in north Belgium near the Dutch border from a school skiing holiday. 22 children and 6 teachers were killed, and many more injured. several remain in critical condition. The Belgian ambassador and the finance minister from the prime ministers office, who is a parishioner, were at the mass along with all the national news cameras from TV and newspapers. The mass was very moving and they speak very openly about tragedy here, which is kind of refreshing. Molly was quite upset and kept talking about it all day. That is how she processes things. We remain in prayer for the families of the victims. Later in the day we watched the 6 O’clock news and saw the candles that Danny had lit, and Jerry,, Danny and Charlotte in the pew at church, which was kind of neat.
We stopped for lunch at Ikea, which is nearby and has the tastiest and least expensive food around! Swedish meatball plates for everyone! The kids love it and it is quick to get the food and casual so we can sit as long as we like. We picked up a couple of plants, some plastic glasses, napkins, and a reading light for Danny’s room.
We vegged on the couch for a bit, wishing that the bball tourney was on, and watching instead cross country ski racing (the Norwegians kicked dupa!) and horse jumping. We dragged ourselves away when the live Snooker Championships from Scotland were beginning and headed outside to run, play soccer and enjoy the sunshine which had finally burned through the clouds.
We had a wonderful Sunday! And I hope yours was just as good.

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