Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I Got The Monday Blues....

Monday 3/12/12

Blue skies that is! Did I fool you?! It is a gorgeous day here and a great way to start off the week. Danny and Charlotte trot off on their own to the recycling station a few blocks away. They make out fine, we just can’t figure out what to do with the beer cans…deposit? Recycle somewhere else? We decide to leave it up to the beer drinker to figure this out and we just stash them for now. Out in front of our house on the street is one bin for the organic matter and another for “garbage”, not anything recyclable though, and these are shared by the whole street. We now keep a little bag by the sink for all the peels, egg shells,etc. It sure is a different way of doing things.
I am still pretty concerned about school. I am doing my best to cobble together work for Danny, but had I known we would not have internet I certainly would have planned something different. I certainly would have brought a lot more supplies. I have him doing things like creative writing, reading a book on medieval castles, and doing a math workbook that I did bring. I have also been saving lots of “scrap” and making a box of stuff he can create with. Tomorrow or Wednesday we will hit Rotterdam and try to view some educational museums to assuage my guilt!
I am bummed out that I am going to miss my book club meeting tomorrow night because I can’t skype in. And its MY BOOK! Grrrr!
Jerry got home at 5pm, we had just walked in from a walk to town. He took the kids out to Pancakken Park and I made a sausage pasta bake and salad for dinner. Cooking is challenging with 3 pans and no spices! I had to measure water in a sauce pan with lines and dump it in to my recipe. My reason to eat out??!

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