Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sunday in Den Haag

March 26
We went to 10am mass. This week it was a special memorial for the one year anniversary of Japan's devastating earthquake and tsunami. The ambassador of Japan was at mass. Jerry and I remarked that this church seems to be much more connected to current events than St. Pats. The Lenten mission for example. It is health care for people in refuge camps in Kenya. Each week Fr. Jack relates the gospel to this crisis in some way. And the children who go off for the kids liturgy come back with bits of information on the mission and their plan to help. All the coffee money is going toward this, and the bake sale and crafts sold after mass today had all proceeds going to the mission. I just think a church wide focus on one thing for 40 days is a neat idea.
We strolled the streets in the sunshine, we just didn't want to go home! We went to the American Book store and got some goodies. I was excited that they gave me free tote bags with my purchases...Jer said when you spend that much of course you get a "Free" tote bag. Humph!
As we were strolling back to the church/car, we noticed that our favourite Turkish Pizza place had tables outside. So for a mere 8euros we sat and ate on the streets and watched the Sunday parade go by.
It was delightful!
streetscape--Den Haag

Charlotte, Danny and the boys enjoy the sidewalk view

turkish pizza time :)

Sunday down time

it is a day of rest after all

Once home, we took naps and relaxed, then Jer and the gang headed out for a workout while I fixed dinner. Stir fry, which is fast becoming a specialty of mine here. We had a great weekend and I hope you did too!

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