Wednesday, March 21, 2012

In praise of Americas Free Public Library System!

I thought I knew how to get there!
Oh for heaven's sake! We set off for the library, turned right, turned left,turned into the twilight zone!because the next thing we knew, after an hour of walking we are lost. We head to a main road to try to get our bearings and we are across a canal and the train tracks From Our Starting Place!???!!!
Impossible! We were so confused...but off we set, and finally arrived at the library. Bad news on that front, it is about 60 dollars US to belong to the library, and with their tiny collection of English books it is not worth it. We are really lucky to have our fantastic library system and all the great free programs that we can access. And wifi! Here it is just computer time on the library machines, members only, first 10 minutes free-after that they charge you! So use and appreciate your local library :)

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