Friday, March 9, 2012

Thursday 3/8/12 Laundry Day!

The washer and dryer are on the third floor! Interesting! The bedrooms are on 2 and 3 so theoretically not so far from the washer...but I am on the first floor in the living space. And though I nail the washer on the first try, I spend all day trying to dry my first load! Oh for the hot,sunny balcony in Greece and my tiny drying rack. Other thrilling highlights of the day include writing postcards, buying stamps, going to the grocery store with the car so I can buy heavy things, and taking Danny to the judo class at the sportsinstitute Pijnacker. He really enjoyed both the judo and the nun-chucka yesterday, so we will see about signing him up for one or both. It is good for him to get away from the house a bit.
My ankle is feeling better and I hope to get my tourist groove on next week!

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