Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What a treasure are our friends-Wed 10/27

Back to the routine at 6:15 this am, coffee, lunches, but best of all hugs and conversation with the kids! Danny brought in a couple of pumpkins for Mrs. Bittekoffer's two kids, on Tuesday Jerry and Danny delivered the 30 pumpkins for his classmates and teacher, and the giant painted one for the office.  Pumpkin man! This is the 5th year that Farmer Hank has helped his Godson learn about generous giving. Thanks Hank! What a blessing my friends are! I had lots of phone messages and emails from the time I was gone and lots to catch up on. Shawne brought Leah to the house at 2pm to do a photo shoot for Molly.  Mol was so much fun, Leah even got her on the trampoline for the first time!  We shot about 300 pictures, both here and at the metro park, and ended the shoot with a Zukey Lake dinner reward.  Nothing says Good Job like a wet burrito, you know what I'm saying?!
The only bad news is that the Evil Ivy continues to torture me, hoping that this third day of meds does the trick.  I am so happy and blessed to have Shawne in my life, and Leah, they really make ours days happy.  The community connections here are very strong, and even though the family is in NJ, it feels like home here because of my friends.  Have you ever had that experience? They say friends are the family you pick for yourself, and if that's true, my "family" is amazing!
Benadryl kicking in, off to bed.

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