Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rainy Thursday-my life is NOT thrilling!

Reality of blogging is setting is BORING!  Talking about bargains at Wal-mart seems silly, but I guess if that's my life...So got $0.39 a pound bananas, new contacts, and a loaf of everything french bread-YUM!
Made a kind of pasta,bean,tomato and chicken dish that everyone inhaled. And a chocolate cake off the day old baked goods rack, for NO GOOD REASON, we're just celebrating life! I had to take another trip to the Doctor(Dr. Lipman, thanks for squeezing me in!) who changed all my meds, new creams, new oral pred. but i couldn't have another shot, it is too soon.  Still feeling quite crappy,itchy and in pain, so I'm taking the nighttime pain med, hope i don't get any reaction to it, as I have to lead the Halloween parade at the library in the am.

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