Saturday, October 30, 2010

Packing and Pumpkins and Parties, Oh My!

Woke up pre-stressed with the need to get my stuff off to Fed-Ex by 12 noon, this pre-job work is pretty significant. As I'm getting started on that Charlotte shows up in the kitchen with my I LOVE LUCY board game.."hey Mom, wanna play?"  so what could I say? Danny joined us and Charlotte kicked our dupas! I got to act out Lucy being in a fashion show with a sunburn...I could relate!  Danny and Jerry headed off to the library for the Spooky Monster Magic Show, girls headed off for a run and I went to FedEx(their getting to know me!)  But happily I made it to the end of the magic show, and took over for Jer. Danny and i stopped at Meijer to get some free candy and silly bands!  The sun comes out for the afternoon and we play frisbee, football and carve pumpkins. They look amazing.  The girls volunteered at bowling from 2-4 and we even snuck in some football viewing..GO Hawkeyes!...before heading out to the parties. The girls came to St. Pats first, then headed to Heather's house.  Jer drove,then headed home to watch a little ball, while I got  to share my big news with Rhonda, and visit with the other school Mom's.  Danny was beet red within 15min, ran around the whole time with his pals, and had a blast. Danny and I finished up the night with some Wallace and Gromet shorts,, A Close Shave and The Wrong Trousers  with Shawne the sheep! and Penn State beat Michigan, so my work here is done!

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