Monday, October 25, 2010

Saturday; The Evil Ivy--Take 12!

We arrived at Mom's in Toms River at 10:30 and got right to work..The Evil Ivy has marched across most of the back lawn and looks to be headed for the house on its mission of complete domination. We will vanquish this foe no matter what the cost (in landscape fabric,mulch, poison ivy relief products!) We yanked, hacked,pulled, raked, bundled,hauled to the dump, and yanked some more.  It is looking good, but we will need to be ever vigilant...we have a couple of more dump runs planned for Monday, it's alot of shrubbery!
The other big project is painting Mom's bedroom, a beautiful large space with 15 foot walls and ceilings(Thanks for the ladder Phil!).  The color Mom chose is the lavender I'm typing in!  We had gorgeous weather on Saturday so we spent most of our time outside working on the yard. We had dinner together, then Mom and I discussed colors and decor plans, while Susan and Donnie did a bit of family genealogy.  It was so funny to be back to our straight nuclear family, us kids and Mom, no husbands,wives,kids...we joked that she should tuck us in!  I don't know if we've done that since we all left home.  What a treat to spend that time together. Mom heads off Sunday for her trip to Folly Beach,NC with her girlfriends. She will be in for a surprise when she comes back-a fresh updated bedroom.

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