Saturday, October 23, 2010

hitting the road-Thursday morning

Up and out the door at 5:50am, bound for Jersey!  I am going to attend my cousin Meg's daughter Niki's wedding! As I'm traveling along I put on satellite radio and while spinning along the dial happen to pass by  Catholic Radio. The show is talking about the readings for the day, and how they will impact our lives...I stop to listen and the host explains that the reading is a letter from St. Paul to the Ephesians..Jesus is saying"I have come to set the world on fire, oh how I wish it was already burning" ! Talk about a GOD wink! This must be a  message, and I am continuing to focus on how I should be setting myself on fire first, then maybe the world!
The trees in Pennsylvania are at the peak of their colours, green hills rolling up into oranges,yellows and browns where the tree line comes in. The road was empty and the weather was great..trip only took 8hrs.45min.

(Tip to those who travel 80 through PA- only Dunkin Donuts is at exit 120!)

Enjoyed hanging out with  the nieces and nephews and hearing the latest school and sport news-Claire's play, Jamie's cross country, Allie's awesome standardized test scores and Christopher's class website-including his own home page with a latitude and longitude video-very educational!
Today I guess I moved froward Geographically!

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