Wednesday, October 27, 2010

itchy,itchy,scratchy,scratchy,ooo I got some on my back-y!

Mom's Bedroom remodel and yard work continues, and Susan and I are at the dump at 9am with 2 carloads of ivy vines,leaves and branches.  The landscaping guys filling their trucks with free mulch look on in awe(?) as 2 middle-aged Mom types clad in paint spattered pajama bottoms use a snow shovel to scoop mulch into black garbage bags and hoist them into their sedans! Back we go, dump the mulch, fill cars again and back to the dump.  At our breakfast break I realize that the couple of suspicious looking spots from yesterday are too large and itchy to ignore anymore, and I have Sooz take a look....looks like the evil ivy has struck again.  It's  worsening by the hour so we make an appointment with a DR. for the afternoon.  This was not planned into the work schedule!  Doc. confirms the poison ivy(by this point it is really painful and I know all to well what to expect) and I get the shot in the dupa, medrol dose pack, topical cream and benadryl.  What a pain!  Susan and Donnie are spared, and the Doctor says I've probably developed a hypersensitivity, rather than a tolerance.  When I ask what I can do for next time he says "hire someone!" So off we go to hunt down curtains, and prescription drugs.  We spend the evening painting doors, windows, spraying headboards and a rocker,aerating and overseeding the lawn and other exciting little jobs.  The only good thing about steriods is you really don't need to sleep much!

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