Thursday, October 21, 2010

not an "Ordinary Day"

Wednesday night..Ann Arbor MI..Michigan Theatre..All five of us jumping up and down to the fabulous band  Great Big Sea.

 Danny jigging in the aisle to "Lukey's Boat is painted green, ah, me boys."

Jerry chanting  "oh me oh my I heard the old one cry, oh me oh my I think I'm gonna die, oh me oh my I heard the old one say, I wish I'd never taken that excursion around the bay,HEY!"

Charlotte doing some serious air guitar to "The Old Black Rum"

Molly chanting.."oh the night that Paddy Murphy died is a night I'll never forget..some Michigan girls got loaded drunk...and they ain't been sober yet!"

And for me, it was hearing "Ordinary Day" live, it is such a true song. I have the lyrics taped up inside my cupboard.."way hey hey it's just an ordinary day and it's all your state of the end of the day, you've just got to say it's all right!"
So true, no matter what is going on in life, it's all your state of mind. And my state today is grateful!  This concert was so much fun, and such a great family time( crazy Irish lyrics notwithstanding! just a trifle disconcerting to see your 9 year old singing gleefully ...."I swear to GOD I'll hang meself if I get married again!" but it was all in good fun!)
So, with blisters on my hands from all the clapping, it was a terrific, special, Ordinary day!

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