Saturday, October 23, 2010

New Marriage- very challenging and inspiring!

Niki and Mike were married at Notre Dame of Mount Carmel on Friday October 22,2010. Beautiful fall flowers, pretty bridesmaids, stunning Mother-of the-Bride (go Meg!) and of course a beautiful bride and handsome groom, glowing with love and excitement. Congratulations!! The reception was really fun, I got to hang with all my cousins (Happy Birthday Danny!) and do alot of my 2 favourite things, talking and dancing! But I want to share with you the best part of the wedding, which was the mass. seriously..not even the chocolate fountain topped it!
The Priest who said mass was Fantastic, he should record his wedding mass and send it to other churches around the country as a demo! First thing he said was that Niki,Mike and JESUS had invited us, and Jesus knew we'd be there and was so happy to see us and to pray with us. During his homily he talked about the 4 marriage killers, sarcasm (spoken or unspoken),pettiness,anger and greed.  At the end he said that none of our possessions are ours, and in the end we'll just have our love, so keep it strong.  He told Niki that her only job on this earth is to bring Mike into Heaven, and Mike's only job is to make sure that she goes there with him. Wow!  Llistening to the vows after that was very inspiring, but also really challenging.  How well are those ideals being played out in my own life and marriage (after 23 years?!) Gotta put some work and prayer into that for sure! It's hard to do the ceremony justice (you know, the old... "You shoulda been there, it was sooo good!") but there is one story Father told that I have to share...
When he was 15, he was having a fight with his Mom one day in the kitchen. She was yelling at him, he was yelling at her and about 5 minutes into the argument she said, " let's dance the polka!" He said to her, "Ma, we're having an argument, we're NOT gonna dance the polka."  She shrugged and they went back to the fight, he yelled some more, she yelled some more, but after about 35 seconds his Mom said again, "honey, lets dance the polka!" He Said, "MA, we're having a fight, we can't dance the polka."  His Mom said, "Honey, when you're yelling, I'm thinking about what I'm going to say next, and when I'm yelling, you're thinking about what you're going to say next and neither one of us is listening at all.  I love you, and so, let's dance!  And they danced the polka!
Given the fact that I'm married to a big polack I thought this was especially applicable! Seriously, doesn't it really make you think about those fights, and ask yourself wouldn't it be way more fun to grab hands and start stomping around the kitchen to a polka tune?!  "She likes kielbasa, she likes kielbasa, she likes kielbasa, thats her dish (2,3,4..)  Let's start dancing!

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