Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday=tying it all together and traveling

Kickin it by 6:30; second coat on the doors, drop clothes rolled up, supplies cleaned up and stowed. New bedsets on, pictures being hung, curtains artfully twisted about the rods, vacuuming, mirror cleaning, Dunkin run, all the last minute details that always take longer than you think its going to.  We do a mini-reveal for Mom's friend Sue, who stops in to check on us, and she thinks it looks awesome!  She thinks Mom will cry, but I don't know, Patsy's not much of a cryer!  She'll be home on Friday and I'll be excited to hear what she thinks.  Susan left a note from us taped to her bedroom door...
We took of for Parsippany about 1ish and I loaded my car and shoved off towards MI by about 3pm. White-knuckle rain through half of PA (raining so hard I couldn't drink my coffee, so you know it was bad!) and an hour nap in the back seat in a cozy Ohio rest area (thanks for the pillow and blanket Sooz!) and I got home around 2am. With the help of my steroids I throw in a load of wash,sweep the kitchen floor and blog!
I'm going to try to make myself sleep, it's good to be back, and I can't wait to hug my kids in the morning!

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