Monday, October 18, 2010

It's my birthday and I'll Blog if I want to!

My plan for this 49th year is to do something everyday to move myself forward, mentally,physically,gastronomically, athletically,spiritually. I will be 50 in one year, whether I like it or not, so I'm going to see if I can end up, one year from now, having grown,changed, or at the very least become a faster keyboarder! Read along, comment, make suggestions, join me, and we'll see how it goes....

Today I am 49 years old, and yesterday in the shower (how many of you Moms do your best thinking in the're alone!) I was thinking about turning 49 and all the things I should do this year. Then I thought I should write in a journal this year,to keep track of all the things I do.. then I remembered that the part I like best about journaling is buying the journal at the store, not actually writing in it and how many journals I own with the first 3 pages written in..then nothing! They look so cool in the store and I imagine myself writing insightful things and my great-great grandkids all gathering around it someday and thinking how cool it was the I made this record of my life in the olden days.  But then I don't, and they lay on my desk, or next to my bed, or in the closet, and when I see them I feel guilty. Are you with me?!
So a blog it is, and my first new forward moving thing is already accomplished at 8am!

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