Monday, February 17, 2014

Friends-so important for my girls

Coach Michele, not only a great coach and a beautiful person, but a true and intuitive friend. She is someone who understands that people with intellectual disabilities of ten do not have the social outlets others have. That they are not invited out with friends to celebrate their birthdays, or off at college having their door decorated by their roommates. The social isolation is very difficult to watch as a mom.
Well Michele feels that I guess, and invited Charlotte to spend the afternoon with her today, to celebrate her birthday. I dropped Charlotte off at Target to meet Michele as she got off of work at 12:30 
and boy was she excited! As I left to head to work the two of them were queuing up at Starbucks to grab a latte before heading out!
Then it was off to the beauty school to have manicures done. Charlotte was excited and nervous about this, but she did well! She chose a startling blue color and was geeked to show it off. The girls then went out to lunch at Wendy's and stopped by the library to show off their nails. Charlotte was sparkling!
It reminds me that I need to be sensitive to the needs that people around me may have that I may not be seeing. As Saint Maximilian Kolbe said "I can do more"
Thank you Michele for seeing this and giving of yourself!!

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