Saturday, February 8, 2014

Miss you Dad

Happy birthday dad! I hope you are having a fabulous rare steak, a baked potato with butter and sour cream, a Johnny walker black and that the waiter has a HUGE pepper mill! I miss you every day. Donnie sent me a beautiful picture of you, and in my mind I see you...holding my hand as we walk up 7th ave to the ocean, clapping for me during all of my choir and play performances, smiling and teasing me as you walked me down the aisle at my wedding, holding all the babies when they were new born, and always holding their hands whenever you were with us. I see you playing in leaf piles, riding big wheels, laying on the floor to be examined by budding doctors, watching movies,playing UNO and Risk! Admiring art projects,good report cards and Special Olympics medals,first houses,first cars and first rhubarb pies, with the same great smile and crinkley eyes.  I could write all day about my memories Dad, and I am so happy to have every one. You are a great Dad, and you are missed!

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