Sunday, February 16, 2014

Birthday Girl

Charlotte is 21 today! She loves to hear the story of her birthday. 
The snow falling gently as I woke up to labor pain around 5:30am. Nana coming down the stairs and being told that she would be babysitting all day because the baby was coming. Heading to the doctor in brighton and being told to head to the hospital. Stopping by the post office to mail the nj mortgage payment and the old man backing up into the car. Jerry patiently comforting him and telling him not to worry, while I peered out into the snow thinking"let's go! I'm having a baby!" Finally making it down to Ann Arbor and being told by the resident in the ER that he needed to determine if I was indeed in labor. I mentioned it was my third baby and he brushed that away. Then when he examines me and freaks out because of how far along things are...told you young man! Checking out the jacuzzi tub in the labor room, meeting the doctor who would deliver the baby for the first time while sitting in the tub.our beautiful girl arriving at 1:19pm with a sweet round face and reddish hair. Molly's reaction to meeting her new sister.."aa dah!" And jake beaming at being a big brother to two sisters. The nurse asking to use Charlotte in the " how to bathe your baby" demo for the new moms because she was so quiet and calm. Dressing her in the cute mint green outfit from susan to travel home over the snowy roads. And every moment since!
We enjoyed a kick it boxing class this morning after feasting on heart shaped donuts. Jerry and Charlotte then headed to Ann Arbor to cheer on the U of M men's basketball team. Although the team lost, Charlotte and Jerry were shown on TV and Molly saw them! Cool! Charlotte and Jerry stopped in to visit the Mavrons and got to meet Christopher and Pilar's two girls. Then we all met up at 5pm mass and thanked God for our girl. The evening ended with charlotte's choice for dinner of autumn chowder and bread,chocolate cake and ice cream. Shawne and the girls joined us and made it feel like a party,
Happy Birthday Charlotte!

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