Monday, November 11, 2013

The Hincka outdoorsmen

Danny just got back from the November camp out with his scout troop. They hiked,visited a museum, shot 22's and rifles with clay targets, made a thanksgiving dinner, played euchre, slept outside in 30* weather and were still home by 11am Sunday, just in time for 11:30 mass! Wow!! And Jerry went to the lake on Friday

to do some maintainence on the heating system and check that all was secure. Then he drove up to posen to "huntin camp" and worked on trail and ground stuff and painting inside the camp. Jerry's getting super excited about hunting this year, he heads north again Thursday morning to get ready for the first day which is this Friday. He and hank have a trail cam,  and he brought the sad card back with him. Tonight jake,jer and Danny were poring over the still shots Jerry had on his computer, marveling at all the " action" on the trail! Hilarious! I am happy that they enjoy the beautiful outdoors michigan has to offer. Danny already has his deer this season, now let's see if dad can do as well!

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