Saturday, November 2, 2013

Run Fun!

PJ thought we would enjoy this run and boy was he right. Reasons?
1. Held at Huron meadows, our home course
2. They had a family rate of $50, and kids 12-under were free
3. 5 and 10K's to choose from
4. Money being raised for a good cause in our community
5. Cool race shirts
6. Chocolate chip bars as post race food
7. A raffle...and Charlotte won a target gift card!

So in spite of the rain and mud and chill we loaded up the car and headed over. PJ subbed in as Jerry, who really hurt his bad knee playing basketball last night:(. Easy parking and registration and then back to the car to warm up and wait. There was a motivational speaker and Jimi Hendricks version of the Star-Spangled Banner and then we took off. Danny hooked up with an 8th grader from his cross country team and they ran the 5K together. Finished in around 23 range. Molly,PJ and Charlotte tackled the 10 and did great. A lady came up to me after she finished and mentioned that she had run a. Opulent of miles with Charlotte and really enjoyed her company. I was tickled! She saw Danny and I near the end of the race as she was walking back out to find Charlotte and cheer her on to the finish--how nice! PJ beat molly, which thrilled him. Me? Well I did run the 5K, finished in around 33, ran with a girl who was doing her first 5K so it was fun to encourage her. Great time,
Danny and Adam
Charlotte and her encourager
Molly kicks in!
The Monday night club molly runs with, HURT, she forgot to wear her shirt, but at least she matched!

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