Sunday, November 17, 2013

Parent teacher conferences- Thursday 11/14

Now that is what I call fun! 5 minutes! That's what you get to discuss how your child is doing in class. How they fit in, are they participating, do they enjoy/understand the material being presented. How can this possibly take place in FIVE minutes?!
Before I went I asked Danny to tell me a little about each class, what he liked and what he didn't like, or some of each. Then I took that info and shared it with each teacher. Some of them liked it and some of them didn't. Oh well, that is how one of your pupils feels, and it think you should know that.
I told the social studies teacher that Danny thinks the way the class is taught, read book,do a worksheet,take a test is very boring. He said, " mom, the textbook we use is called History Alive!, but it isn't "  the teacher seemed a bit shocked by this. She did say that Danny is more "worldly" than most of the students. So What? I'm sure the other kids wouldn't mind a bit of exciting teaching either.
The math teacher taught jake in 8th grade and remembered him fondly. And loved Danny.
Mrs. Evans the band teacher said to me " can I tell you a funny story?" And I thought, if you want,but it doesn't count as MY 5 minutes! She went on to tell me that she had gotten a pice of pumpkin bread at Starbucks that morning and it was disgusting. She thought about calling me up right then and saying,
" mrs. Hincka, get over here and fix this right away" funny, and a nice compliment to my baking.
She said Danny is doing an excellent job on the tuba, " he is my rock. In fact, I don't even think the other two tubas played their instruments in the concert!"  All righty then! 
All his teachers mentioned how polite he is( he better be!) and that he participates and works hard. 
So a great evening of mom pride, which I will totally take!

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