Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11/15-11/17 Fall Fun with Cassie!

Jerry headed north on Thursday to hunt with his brothers. This is the first time in our marriage, 25 years, that he has gone hunting. He is really excited and that is great. Nice times with brothers and cousins, spitzer, good food, maybe a deer, that's what fall hunting is all about. He didn't take a deer, though he saw a bunch. He is taking jake and Danny this weekend, and said he is leaving the big buck for them!
Danny and I picked up Cassie on Thursday afternoon. Danny enjoyed a late  sleep, and then we stopped at Ollie's bargain outlet for a shop. We sang andalyed with her all the way to Brighton and our first stop in town was, you guessed it, the playground! She was SO excited! She really loved the sand box this visit, and loved seeing her beloved Uncle Danny climbing all around the monkey bars. He even took her up on one set.

The afternoon got warmer and warmer and so we went home and raked up a big leaf pile for Cassie, Danny and Harry to jump in. Boy did she have fun with that. She was excited to see the school bus arrive with the girls and we sang our school bus song while they got off. We stayed outside till jake got home around 5, and finally got her inside. Needless to say, a bath and early bed were on the agenda for Thursday night.
Friday is library day for us, and when I finally got miss lazy out of bed at 9am and she ate her waffles, we headed over. There was no story time but we played with all the toys, read loads of books and checked out some favourite to bring home and enjoy. After nap we played outside again and took a long walk.
Saturday morning I took Charlotte up to hartland to investigate special Olympics skating! and Danny and jake took Cassie to the playground again. I know jake had fun spending a bit of time with her before he headed into work. That evening we all went to Saint Pats school and saw the play Alladin jr.
Cassie was enthrall end and she sat on my lap and watched and clapped. She enjoyed the cookies at intermission as much as the play I think!
On Sunday we went to 9:30 mass and Cassie saw her favourite priest, Father Karl. I decided to take the gang to Leo's for lunch and then take Cassie back. The weather was awful so I convinced the kids to stay home and relax. 
I hate taking her back, so I was happy that she slept during the trip. A quick cuddle and lots of smooches and then I was back on the road. We were volunteering at Loaves and Fishes dinner and needed to bring our turkey in. Our group did a wonderful thanksgiving dinner for all the folks that came for a warm meal. I am so proud of the way my kids jump in and help, Danny manned the coffee cart, which on a chilly Sunday afternoon was quite in demand. And those seniors aren't easy to please some times! The girls set up, and served, and enjoyed the staff dinner that everyone sits down for once the visitors are served. We all love this ministry and volunteering for a few years now, we feel like a family with the rest of the team and look forward each month to working together to share our gifts and bounty with others.
Fabulous weekend!

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