Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The busy, dark,chilly,challenging week!

Oh my gosh! we had a huge storm which blew out power all over southeastern Michigan. We kept our power over the weekend, but on Monday, boom! There it went. We were out for two days and it was dark, cold and crazy. I had no motivation to do anything other than huddle for warmth, and the laundry and chores piled up. Once the power came back on, We thought the gas had gone and had the gas co. Come on out. Sadly, all was fine, so on we went to the furnace repair team. Lakeside came out and got the furnace moving again, but unfortunately that only lasted a short while. The blower was on but only cold air was coming out, and with the temperatures in the teens, this was not very helpful. Things got even trickier with Jerry out of town, and me super busy with Special Olympics sports and polar plunge planning, I couldn't even find a time for the furnace sales man to come by and analyze my needs. Jerry took the boys and headed to posen on Friday night for their long planned hunting weekend. I actually got them to have their man, Tim, come out on Saturday at 7:30am which was kind of crazy!  He reviewed all the needs and gave me three options, and then we were off to church for the pointsettia sale, figure skating practice in hartland and then the poly hockey state tournament in Lansing. In two days I put over 200 miles on the traverse. I managed to check in with Jerry when he came out of the woods and we agreed on our purchase. By the time I reached the furnace man, he had booked a. Client for Monday, and said that now I had to wait til Tuesday. Oh no! The bone chilling cold in the house was intense, helped only by the space heaters lent to me by Lakeside. That was an ice perk, problem was, they kept blowing the fuses! Like I needed more things to worry about! Good news  arrived on Monday afternoon, the guys called to say they could get my heat going, and complete the install on the following day,Tuesday. hurrah!! Come on over! And by 6 pm my house was getting toasty warm. The install was completed on Tuesday and I got my lesson on the touch screen incredibly complicated thermostat.  And the heat?! HOT! We can't get over the even temps all over the house....who knew?! We actually have had to turn it down a few times because we aren't used to how hot the house is! So, that said, I know what I am getting( or have gotten) for Christmas and so does Jerry, but thanks God we are able to afford the new furnace, I know lots of people are not as blessed. 
So on the night before thanksgiving, I give thanks for my warm,WARM and cozy house!

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