Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A weekend with Cassie

What a blessing this past weekend was! We were able to get Cassie on Wednesday night and have her with us until Sunday night! it felt like the old days when she lived with us and we were able to bond so much better. She was very happy to see us on Thursday when she woke up.( Not so much Wednesday night, but that 9 pm arrival is ridiculous.) Halloween! After breakfast we went to a party at the new baby boutique in town. They had crafts and snacks and a photographer. We had a great time, in spite of the pouring rain. Next stop was Jake's workplace, Barnum. The company invites employees to have the kids come to trick or treat around the offices. It is a huge place and almost every desk had bowls of candy and treats out. Cassie was reluctant at first, but as soon as she learned that "trick or treat" produced candy for her purple pumpkin bucket she joined in with glee. "EM-a-ems" she said to everyone! She looked so cute in her candy corn princess dress and jake seemed very proud of her. She took a nap in the car on the way home and I left her to sleep in her car seat so as not to risk a short nap with such a busy night coming up. When the kids came home from school she was excited to show off her candy haul. Jerry and Jake took all the kids to Fairway Trails at 6, and I stayed at Princeton court to give out candy. The weather was terrible and I only got around 17 kids. But I guess it slowed to a mist at FT and the kids got ridiculous amounts of candy and stayed out til around 8:15.
I got cass to bed and the other kids had a big candy trading party!
Friday the rain continued and cass and I played with toys and read lot so f books. We also did a Meijer run, and got groceries a long with a Duplos set. I can spoil her, I'm Cookie!
Friday night everyone went to basketball, and in spite of badly hurting his knee SuperJ worry still took the kids to Leo's for ice cream. Leah spent the night on the trundle in charlottes room and enjoyed a day of playing and crafts with Cassie and the kids. 
First thing Saturday morning Danny,Molly, Charlotte and I participated in the give it away 5K at Huron meadows. It was cool and drizzly , in other words, perfect running weather, and Danny and I did the 5 will PJ and the girls did the 10. The rest of the day we just hung out, which was really nice and relaxing.
Sunday morning Cassie and I made buttermilk pancakes and bacon for everyone and we ate and read the papers. Then Jerry took everyone to Huron meadows to play and run, including both dogs! While they were gone I made autumn chowder. Cassie went to church with us at 5 pm and Danny and I were both privileged to serve at mass. After supper and a bubbly bath and pj's it was time for jake to drop her back to Cammy. That is truly the worst time. She is always so happy and relaxed by then, and it stinks to send her away. But that's what has to happen so that is what we do.
I am not sure what he futre holds for Cassie and our family, so we try to enjoy each moment we have with her. It is a gift from God!

Uncle Danny taught me how to ride fast and slow!

My dad's first pony, "funder"

Cooking pancakes with Cookie

Playing dollhouse with my friend Leah

Story time

Ready for the next holiday!

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