Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday night basketball

The tradition continues! Cassie is in week three of her "rookie year"  of Friday night basketball. Jerry's rule is that they have to be 2. I can remember when Charlotte was finally old enough to go! Jerry started playing with this group the first winter we lived in Michigan. Even though he was very busy at work and I had no friends I realized that Jerry without basketball is a very unhappy Jerry. When Molly's physical therapist Robyn mentioned that her husband Stan played ball with a group of guys every Friday night AND they took their kids with them, I knew I had to get him in. Because you see this group was very picky about who could join them, the core worked together as social workers and were extremely nice and just wanted to enjoy the game. That is a big departure from the crazy hotheads you often find at the church open men's ball nights. I begged Robyn to talk to Stan and give Jerry a tryout. Luckily, and not surprisingly,  he was just the kind of player they were looking for. So 22 years later, he is still going! And all through the kids childhoods he has opened the doors of the van and just piled in whomever wanted to go, jake's pal Jeremy, Sam Stewart, Melissa, Ryan, Sophie, Leah, and now Cassie. It is very cool. And along the way I have had Friday nights to Christmas shop, see a movie, or even just clean and organize for the weekend in relative peace. The guys always take the kids out after ball, originally Stan and Jerry took our kids and Megan and Katie out to Big Boy, now jer takes all our crew to Leo's, where the girls all make a big fuss over them! Tonight Cassie and leash had a great time with the other kids, and despite giving his knee a bad twist, super Jer headed to Leo's for treats. Leah is having a sleepover here and the happy chaos continues,

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