Saturday, November 9, 2013


Justin Caine, who started the BOOM awards, today explained where the name came from. " when there is an Explosion, everything is shook up and turned around and usually not the same again. The BOOM award recipients are a big BOOM! In there communities, now let's share them with the world" it was very inspiring as were the speeches of the other award winners, Erica's d Doug, and the other folks that opened up recon, the conference where the BOOM awards were presented.we did not know that Molly would be asked to say a few words, and when she walked on stage to receive her award
She was speechless. She got choked up and couldn't say anything! Can you imagine molly speechless?! But God love her (and I know he does) she did a great job. 
We started the day with breakfast for the award recipients. We got to know each other a lot better. Then our family headed to the workout rom for 45 min of running,stretching and weights followed by swimming and hot tub
. Then we changed and walked around the exhibit hall and looked at all the vendors and bit a bit of shopping. There were several micro enterprises run by people with ID and we wanted to support their businesses.when the awards were finished and a photo session completed we we're ready to start our 3:30 min drive back to brighton.
Miss never-say-die molly, after realizing that the volleyball game she wanted to go to would be over the time she and Jerry got there, immediately changed course and told me she wanted to go to the run at the Main Street running shop, called LIGHT up the night. Okeedokey! I leap into my running togs and got us down by 5:55. The store had jackets and sneakers from new balance for the runners to borrow. So we pulled on jackets and shoes, and headed out with the 3 mile group. It sure was neat to see all the glowing forms speeding ahead of us up the dark rainy road. I was unsure of molly running in the dark, but she did fantastic. It did start to pour as we hit the - mile run, and we cheered for ourselves, we are two tough gals!!


And of course, PJ!!


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