Thursday, March 7, 2013

Polar Plunge Week 2013!

Well, it was a week all right, and it is over! Good,bad and in between, we are looking at the 2013 plunge  in our rear view mirror.  This week I will be jotting down notes and suggestions, what worked and what needs tweaking, in order to make the 2014 Plunge even better!
I had meetings each day last week, some days two! MaryJane worked even harder, dealing with all the every day SO business while working on the plunge. I don't know how she does it! Cassie went to Dearborn on Tuesday, which was perfect timing for me. It allowed me to focus completely on the Plunge and all the last minute craziness(no Kohls, no MC/soundsystem,where is Starbucks?!)
But Though the plunger number dropped from 98 to 80, we had lots of new plungers from around the community. I hope that this is due to the fabulous PR from the Patch newspaper and the Argus, and of course our friends at WHMI.
I hope you enjoy the photos...
Coach Laurel, far right, and a great bunch of plunging athletes!

Vicki and me

Michelle, our 50/50 chairman

Dan and Charlotte, Birthday Buddies! First Plunge for both!

you know Charlotte, she is always hungry!

G-plane and the girls


the first responder team

polar bear?

Anne, Viv and Linda setting up our fabulous food table

PJ, Dave Loar, our first jumper and Sheriff Bob Bezotte, celebrity judge

Chiquita Banana! Won best costume and raised the most money--0ver 3600.00!

my crew!

Matt, Brighton Mayor Jim Muzzin and Chris

aren't these girls darling? They even had custom t-shirts. they raised over 1000$ and won the youngest plunger award!

a true buddy, Dan takes care of Charlotte post-jump

"Mom. let me go inside, I'm freezing!"


our Army man, Sargent Morris, came down to cheer on the plungers. He is deploying next week for 1 year

Danny hits the water...huzzah!

out he comes

there goes Molly!

Alex takes her first plunge





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