Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Shopping for Charity!

Cassie helps me get ready for our company!

Setting out the snack bowls! (kidding-we washed them first!)

Laurel, Maggie and Molly

The Sensy room, boy did it smell good in there :)

Molly and Cassie are happy with the great success of our Shopping for Special Olympics night!
that is my kind of shopping! On Wednesday 3/13 I hosted three consultants and about 30 women joining together to raise funds for Special Olympics. Maggie, who represents Sensy, set up in the library. Her brother Danny is an athlete with our program! Laurel, our long time chaperones and assistant coach, is a ThirtyOne gal,  who set up her beautiful products in the piano room. Her Mom Michelle coaches the girls in track ,snowshoe and soccer, and her brother Scott is an athlete. And on into the kitchen where we find Lynn Cluskey, our long time Pampered Chef consultant displaying her wares and cooking away. Lynn made a tasty dip and stovetop pizza, and I prepared a tropical fruit trifle, mocha brownie bites, meatballs,drinks,etc. The house smelled delicious and was filled with the sounds of laughter and friendship. The energy was so high! I had a spectacular time hosting this event, and got so carried away with my raffle I ended up giving away all the soda bread I had baked at the moment (5 loaves!)! Speaking of carried away, I have NO idea what I even bought, but I know I spent a lot! All for a good cause though.

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