Friday, March 8, 2013

Story time fun at the Brighton District Library

True Confession time--Cassie and I are story time junkies!
We went on Friday 3/1 and again on Monday,Tuesday and today... Fridays we have a program called All Join In, my former Mother Goose Cafe time slot, which has a half an hour story time and then toy time. Cassie really enjoys interacting with the other kids in this setting. Our Monday class is called Baby Boogie and the teacher is Miss Sherry. All the same kids from our last session are back again, including Cassie favourites, twin boys Kellan and Liam. Miss Sherry has a kitty puppet which greets all the kids and later says Goodbye to them. Cassie always hugs and kisses kitty, some of the other tots are afraid, but not our Cass! The music is the same each week so she knows what is coming and loves to dance and sing. At the end of each song she claps and yells out "AAAAAAA!"  And Tuesdays is the crown jewel of story time..
Miss Roseanne's Read to the Beat. Cassie stands outside the door, staring at it, and then she hears to music start, she starts to tap her feet, and when Miss Roseanne opens that door she bolts in and then stops right in the middle of the floor, and starts dancing! She loves every story and song and dances with abandon, greets the other kids, smiles and cheers. At home we listen to lots of kids tunes and play loads of games and finger plays, but the time at the library is really special to both of us! And as a story leader myself, getting to experience it from the patron side is fun and educational.
Cassie and her pal in the Story Room!

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