Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Charlotte!

She is 20 years old, surely that is impossible! Where has the time gone? I have no idea! What I do know is that 2/16/93 was one of the 4 best days of my life! My little girl, I was so happy to have another one...(though true confession here, by the time baby number four was set to arrive I was done with hairdo and hoping for another crew-cut!) Since my sister is my heart, I wanted to have that for Molly, and that is what GOD gave me. (though another true confession...they haven't got the friend thing down yet, but I am hopeful!) Born at 1:19pm on a Tuesday during a little snowstorm with the easiest labor of them all(Thanks honey!) at a whopping 7 lbs 1 oz she was a cute and cuddly gift. Molly and Jake were both thrilled with their new baby. In fact Molly came to the hospital to see her that evening and she kept poking her and yelling "AA DA!"  and then petting her. I'm not sure she knew what she was or that she was coming home with us, but she loved her! And Jake was a wonderful big brother, he played with her, and used that cute high voice to get her attention. We were blessed!
This weekend we celebrated her Charlotte-ness just like we do every year! Friday was a school holiday so we had friends over for lunch and a movie. Annie, Kel and Heather were invited to enjoy cheese pizza (lent!) salad and caramel birthday cake and then head to the theatre to see Safe Haven, the new Nicholas Sparks movie. (review-if you liked the Notebook and Dear John you will love it, it is pretty much the same content!) 
Annie and Molly play with Cassie

Charlotte and Kel

Charlotte and Heather

Later we headed to a Lenten Fish Fry at St. Joes in Howell. Charlotte gave the mac/cheese two thumbs up! Today Charlotte ran a 5K around the 'hood with Jer, Molly and Harry the dog,

went to the snowshoe "wrap party" then came home to host friends for dessert and then attend a dance and choir event at BHS. Her favourites, The BHS Drumline also performed, much to her surprise and joy! Tomorrow the Pink Panthers take to the hardwood for another tourney, and then we will celebrate with just the family when Danny gets home from his weekend campout. Charlotte is having an Aplus weekend, which is just what she deserves!
Cassie and I baked Black Bottom cupcakes
I taught her the essential skill of "licking the beaters!"

I think she's mastered it!

Laura, Hannah, Birthday girl, Shawne, Annie, Sophie, Leah and Molly

Leah made Charlotte a snake bookmark

At the theatre! Great show!

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