Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Molly! 3/5/91

Next in line in the birthday parade my now 22 year old daughter Molly. Wow! We hung her signs, and I baked banana bread for breakfast. We put a candle in it and sang to her at 7:15am!  Molly got a Just Baked cupcake and a beautiful card signed by all the gals that work with her at Head start. It was so touching, and it made me so happy. Thinking about Molly having this wonderful work experience and being surrounded by people that enjoy and respect her is so heartwarming to me. Cassie and I brought a cake out to Molly's classroom on Wednesday to celebrate her special day with her friends, and she was thrilled. She went to a couple of basketball games,did some running,and finally ended her birthday "period" with Jerry surprising her with his ticket to the U of M game on 3/10. She went with Stan and though her team lost, it was senior night and she was so happy to see the seniors get their special awards. Molly, you light up my life and through these 22 years, my first girl, you have brought me joy and challenged me to be a better Mom and person. Thank you for being you and Happy Birthday!!
our family tradition for years: Jer creates four birthday signs and hangs them around the house. They are always so creative-here is my favourite of this years signs for Molly!

Is this the perfect shirt for Mol? Cassie gave it to her(I helped her pick it out!)

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