Friday, March 8, 2013

She's Back!


Cassie's first snowman?!

A boy and his dog!

taking a little walk

"no photos, please!"

Yay! Nothing/No one helps me avoid housework better than Cassandra. Shawne and I drove down to pick her up on Tuesday 2/26. We took the opportunity to stop in at Ollies in Taylor-have you been there? Susan and I discovered the place in Pennsylvania, it is a big lot style junk shoppe full of things like rugs,food,books,toys and camo! I spent way too much and Shawne spent way too little and we had fun. Grabbed the baby at 11 and were home by 12 noon. Snow is predicted for Wednesday so now I don't have to worry about driving in any mess. Cassie was super happy to get here, she was only gone for 6 days, so there was no readjustment period, she just slid right back in to the family. It is so much fun to have her and watch her grow. And we had a snow day on Wednesday! It was a great day with play time, cocoa drinking and snowman building on the agenda.

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