Thursday, March 21, 2013

Scouting--I am a Big Fan!

Troop 350  Brighton   MI
Since Danny joined scouts in September he has gone on hikes,camp outs, rock climbing expeditions,even scuba diving! And you know Danny, this is his idea of a great time! The troop meets every Monday at the scout building to work on merit badges, listen to speakers, play games and plan trips like a stint at the food bank or helping out a a cub scout ceremony.  Danny has been working hard and achieved his first Boy Scout rank, Tenderfoot, at the meeting last week. It will be officially acknowledged at the next Court of Honor. On Friday Danny headed south with 8 scouts for a weekend campout in the frigid temps. No matter to them though, they even tent camped on Satruday night! They took  a couple of long hikes, one on a trail that led to a waterfall.  I know that Dad is smiling down at Danny as he starts his scouting journey, and I think he plans to go all the way to Eagle, just like Dad did!
Danny and Gavin, his fellow tuba playing scout mate!

Danny assisitng at the flag ceremony

presenting the colours

Jack is Danny's patrol leader and senior scout

reciting the scout pledge. Sout master Mike Wisbiski on the right

Danny gets his first two merit badges

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