Monday, March 25, 2013

It's GOLD!!!

Jerry, Danny and the girls saddled up and rode out of Brighton on Friday afternoon, headed for Grand Rapids and the State Basketball Tourney. The Pink Panthers will be wearing their new uniforms...will they be a lucky charm? Friday activities include a team dinner and opening ceremonies followed by a wild dance. Perpetual SO dance favourites include YMCA. Who let the dogs out? and the new fav Gangnam Style! Danny and Coach Jerry both danced with athletes from all over the state.
Bright and early on Saturday morning the Panthers took to the court at Rockford High School. The Panthers had a tough first game. Their shots were not falling but they did not give up. They fought for every rebound and when the buzzer sounded the Panthers had won the game! With the victory came a final game with only a an hour to rest. This definitely worked in Charlotte's favour. She was warmed up and psyched up, and with her first shot she showed what she was capable of. She got the ball on a pass, turned and set up, and Coach Jerry turned to Coach Bill and said "this is going in" and sure enough, she popped, and SWISH! in it went. And with that the Panthers were on the prowl. All the gals played well, Charlotte ended up as top scorer and Molly was number two! Coach Dad was very proud! And the Pink Panthers win the state championship Gold Medal! Yay! Jerry devotes a lot of time and heart to his team, and I am happy that his great coaching and calm way of teaching and motivating his players paid off! And we must credit the uniforms too! Check them out....
opening ceremonies

bringing in the torch!

Jody starts off the dancing!


Derek, and Charlotte in the back left, in her new outfit

Chaperon Danny ends the evening with a good book

Pink Panthers!!

Charlotte warms up

Molly takes a shot while the coaches look on and plot strategy

Molly exhibits some serious pressure defense!

Charlotte on the breakaway

yeah, GO!!!

On the medal stand, Gold around their necks!

teammates Molly and Danielle

post game celebration at a sports bar--U of M on the screen!
Wouldn't Grandpa have loved this set up?!

Charlotte had a blast!

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