Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sunday 2/24 Fashion Show Fun

I really enjoyed having the fashion show on Sunday evening. I cleaned up and broke down the plunge and we scooted over to mass at 5pm on Saturday. Yes, I wore my polar bear PJ bottoms, Do Not tell my Mom! Then we relaxed on Sunday morning and had a big pancake breakfast! I ended up having to work for a couple of hours on Sunday afternoon, and Jerry and Charlotte went to the U of M game, then we all joined up again at the martini bar at 4:45. My gals, Patty, Karen and Shawne came to the show with me and we had a table together. thanks for supporting the cause girls! I'm not sure how much money was donated to SO, but having the community behind us is a wonderful feeling!
 Molly's makeup and hair looked really cute, and Danny looked adorable of course. Molly modeled a swimsuit and pj's for Hushintimates, a lingerie shop and Danny modeled a cool shirt and running shoes for Running Lab, both on Main street in Brighton. The models hung out and had snacks and drinks downstairs, while upstairs the restaurant filled up. Each group grabbed a table and indulged in a tasty signature martini and fantastic food. Scallops, brie,all kinds of gourmet goodies! The silent auction garnered loads of attention, and I ended up with winning bids for a gift basket and a men's haircut. Good stuff! At 6;30pm the show began and lasted about 45 minutes. Following the assistance I needed to give to the auction and one last minute freak out(too much plunge--I lost it!) I happily headed home to my fireplace and the Oscars(hated it-that Seth guy is a real jerk!) I was never so happy to plop myself down!

LLL's out on the town!

Denise, Kylie and me

Danny, ready to go!

Molly in her adorable PJ outfit

Brighton Mayor Jim Muzzin MC'd the show

Matt Janego struts his stuff

My friend Roseanna's daughter Harper, a real model, modeled for us

Molly heads out, she really had a ball this year!

Go Molly!

when Danny finished, people looked over at me and yelled that I should get him an agent!

his attitude was crazy cool

Molly had accessories from the new shop Bink&Babs

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