Tuesday, November 27, 2012

weekend activities

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Danny learned how to play Euchre and actually won! The guys looking over his shoulder did not give away his cards!
Danny and Jerry headed to camp to HUNT! Lucky for me they didn't catch anything. But they enjoyed lots of man time with Hank and his crew and a visit with Aunt Reg as well.

I hunted for bargains on Black Friday and I had great success. The girls and I went to Kohls and when they saw the 45 minute check out line--they ditched me! I gave them the Costco card and they crossed the parking lots to "sample world" and pigged out. I ended up buying some fancy gourmet popcorn that Molly could not live without! We went for a run together and went to mass as well.
On Sunday they went to see a Christmas musical called Child of the Promise and I drove down to Dearborn to get Cassandra. Jake had gone back to Drum on Friday night by train and Cammy has obligations this week, so we get Cassie! Hooray! That is my best score of the weekend!

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