Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday 6am
Rolling into the fog on our way to Detroit to run the Turkey Trot,bananas and power bars in hand. And coffee for some of us--that is my energy bar! I am so excited that Jake is able to join us. We pick him up at Fairlane Mall and finish the drive into the city. Homeboy Jerry navigates us to an excellent parking lot just two blocks from Cobo hall and the start of the race. This year is much more relaxing then years past because Molly doesn't have any jobs. Rather than frantically racing to get to the press booth or start line, we are just strolling along looking at all the costumes and people and dogs and watching the sun come up over the Detroit River. The temperature at the start is close to 50! Unbelievable! First we line up at the port-a-johns, then we line up at the start, and off we go.With 23,500 participants you can imagine that Woodward avenue is pretty crowded. And you would be right! I love it though. This is a race you run for fun, not for time. People line the route to see the parade which comes afterward and cheer on the runners. Kids stand on the edge of the road and hold out their hands in hopes that a runner will give them a "high five" as they run by. And campers line the parking lots, wafting the smell of bacon out onto the shortage here in Michigan!
The only hitch in the whole run was the finish. Cobo Hall is under construction and the street where the race finishes is very narrowed. The finish should have been relocated,but alas, it was not. Consequently, instead of a big kick to the finish we actually had to walk across the line, packed tight as sardines, we shuffled along! Best thing (beside our whole family running together!) was that we all got medals, along with the other 23,494 runners, to commemorate the 30th running of the trot. Awesome! Charlotte has been wearing hers all day!
Men ran the 5K, Danny and Jake ran 29ish, Jerry ran a 33
Girls ran the 10K,  Molly ran 58 1/2ish, Charlotte and I ran 60min.
Go Team Hincka!
We ate our turkey dinner at noon, ravenous after our run. Then we all relaxed and watched the Lions, played lawn football ala The Kennedys, and ate pumpkin pie!
Jerry and I decided to try Targets special 9pm opening to black Friday and it was quite a scene.  It had started to rain, and people were lined up around the building when we arrived at 9pm. But as soon as the doors opened the line flowed smoothly into the store and frenzied shopping began! I can't tell you what we bought, since some of the lucky recipients resd this blog, but I will say i got some great deals! With lots of laughs on the long lines and lots of bargains in our bags we deemed the experience a success.
Team Hincka is ready to run!

Are we in the right place?!

crowd is ready to run.....

We did it!

my kids-I am THANKFUL!

Back in Brighton,rolling down Main street, we notice Ugly Naked Guy is dressed for Thanksgiving
and we have to stop for a photo!
I hope you and your family had a blessed and
fun filled Turkey Day.

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